Bowman Brothers Small Batch Straight Bourbon Whiskey

Bowman Brothers Small Batch Straight Bourbon Whiskey


Bowman Brothers Small Batch Bourbon is a meticulously crafted Virginia bourbon whiskey that is distilled three times from premium corn, rye, and malted barley.


This hand-crafted bourbon whiskey is a tribute to the heroism of John, Abraham, Joseph, and Isaac Bowman, Virginia militia officers in the American Revolutionary War. Bowman Brothers Small Batch Bourbon is distilled three times using the finest corn, rye, and malted barley, producing distinct hints of vanilla, spice, and oak.

After many years of aging in new charred oak barrels, this 90-proof Virginia bourbon whiskey will please even those with the most discerning tastes. The nose is warm, like the Virginia summer. Its complex flavor has hints of vanilla and oak, while the finish is smooth and mellow, like a quiet night on the front porch.

Additional information

Weight 24 oz
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 15 in


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