Barberani Amore Rose

Barberani Amore Rose


Amore, an exquisite Rosé celebrating the historic Sangiovese grape, offers mellow floral and fresh fruity notes with scents of wild strawberry, currant, and citrus flowers.


The Sangiovese grape, historically present on the hills of Umbria since Etruscan and Roman times (referred to as Sanguis Jovis, or Jupiter’s Blood), is celebrated in this exquisite Rosé. Amore, a delicate and fragrant wine, is known for its mellow, floral, and fresh fruity notes, offering an easy-drinking experience with a passionate character reminiscent of youthful love.

The brilliant soft scents of wild strawberry, currant, and citrus flowers create a captivating aroma. The flavor profile is a delightful combination of fresh fruit, peach, strawberry, and raspberry. Embracing biodynamic principles, the vineyard abstains from herbicides and pesticides, allowing nature to shape this vibrant and exciting expression of love.

Additional information

Weight 24 oz
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 15 in


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