Avión Tequila Silver

Avión Tequila Silver


Avión Tequila Silver is an award winning un-aged silver tequila that is exceptionally smooth and well balanced.

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Avión Tequila Silver begins with the inviting aroma of freshly roasted agave, followed by a delicate sweetness on the palate that harmonizes seamlessly with crisp notes reminiscent of grapefruit, interwoven with a subtle tropical taste of pineapple. A touch of black pepper adds a hint of intrigue, enriching the experience with a nuanced spiciness. Avión Tequila Silver stands as a testament to the artistry of tequila craftsmanship, offering a well-balanced flavor profile that seamlessly marries sweetness and crispness. The exceptional smoothness of this spirit ensures an easy and delightful sipping experience, perfect for enjoying straight, in a shooter, or on the rock.

Additional information

Weight 48 oz
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 15 in


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